4 thoughts on “Lucy the Chicken

  1. You actually don’t need her to have a husband to get eggs… although she might enjoy the company! I have 6 chickens, and we get about 7-8 eggs a day in all! (They are all girlies).

  2. Oh Wow! What do you feed them?? She seems to like rice so far. I was hoping to give her scraps – what do you suggest??? I really don’t want to give her pellets. What food affects the eggs? She’s such a nice girl, we are very excited to have her. Any comments you have are very appreciated!!!

  3. There’s a certain type of corn feed (doesn’t have to be pellets) that’ll give her the nutrients she needs to produce eggs. (We get ours from Malibu Feed Bin). Once she starts laying eggs on her own, then you can start giving her that feed. (Apparently they get a disease if they eat it prematurely). If she isn’t laying eggs yet, ask for the feed without the special nutrients in it.

    Other than that, we get really good eggs from feeding them vegetable and fruit scraps. Also, ours roam around the backyard all day, so they eat grass and bugs and stuff. Another thing is that they like to eat tiny pebbles; since they don’t have teeth, these help with digestion.

    As far as company goes, they can get really lonely alone, so it’s good for them to have company (not a rooster, unless you want to be awakened at 5am and have lots of little chicks!). We had one checken at first, and then got the others a little later. At first they pecked at each other, but that was just to establish pecking order. Now they are so cute together… they run around together and cuddle at night in their coop.

    Hope this helps!

  4. This is SO HELPFUL!!! Thank you!! She seems like she has been beat up by other chickens (she’s missing an eye!) so I want her to be strong before we add another chick to the mix. We got some organic feed and give her lots of scraps and built a nice coop for her (raccoons and pit bulls live in our yard). No eggs yet but she’s super tiny. Wish I needed to gain as much weight as she does!! Thanks again for your info!!!

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